Devdan Show (category B)

Devdan Show (category B)
Devdan Show (category B)
Devdan Show (category B)
Devdan Show (category B)
Devdan Show (category B)

DEVDAN's story began when two children, who were present as part of a tourist group, felt bored with their travel schedule. They then separated from the group and climbed a high cliff that caught their attention.

They find a chest containing various unique Indonesian objects that will take them, and all the audience, on an exciting journey, enjoying the riches of Indonesia

Duration: 2 hours.

performance Schedule:
Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, 19:30 WITA

Travel Sustainable property

This property is part of the Travel Sustainable programme, which means it’s taken significant steps to make your stay more sustainable.

Tour International Health Conference (IHC)
Devdan Show (category B)

Tour Date *
Quantity *
Minimum Order: 2